Friday, March 28, 2014

{Five Minute Friday} Mighty

Zephaniah 3: 17 The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. (NIV)

I limp into this Friday weary. My hands are weak and my body aches and my soul yearns for rest.

The words won't come in any of my projects. I dig deep but the well is dry.

And that is when I realize that in all my busy, in all my running, I didn't let myself lean into His arms. Again. I failed to drink deep the Water of Life, and instead took little sips and then kept running. Sips won't slake your thirst.

The verse from Zachariah was one I had never read before. It was assigned as part of a Bible Study I'm doing and it hit me hard.

I drank deep from this verse because it's what I needed to hear. That I have a Mighty Warrior who will save me when I am not mighty. A Lion of Judah that roared into my life and rescued me from sin.

And this Mighty Warrior also is gentle. He has rescued me and now He loves me with a love that I cannot fathom, a love that is so far beyond my grasp that I have no choice but to fling myself before His feet.

That verse is highlighted in bright pink ink in my Bible, so it will reach out and grab me. So that it will pull me in and whisper that assurance.

Weak? You have a Mighty Warrior who rescued you from sin and fear.

Lonely? His great love has washed away His rebuke.

Desperate? He rejoices over you with singing! You are His prize, His treasure, His Bride.

(Stop 5 minutes, but I'll keep on because I need this)

When you feel like you have run dry, like you are weary and alone, trudging along, know that you have been Saved by the King, that you are His Bride.

Because nothing can separate you from this love that He sings over you. Nothing can rip you from His hands, even though it may feel like you've been left in the dust.

Maybe you feel like you've missed the boat, missed your calling, He can still use you. He still sees you and treasures you.

He sees you crying alone on your couch.

He sees you frustrated surrounded by laundry.

He sees you in that job you labor at and never get recognition, yet you still show up faithfully.

He sees you tired mama with your exhaustion and who-knows-what caked shirt that you just washed.

He sees you when you feel like you're stuck.

He sees you weary and ready to throw in the towel.

He sees you fumble through every moment of your life journey, not even sure what the next step will be and praying for light for the future.

He sees you struggling to maintain relationships and live 1 Corinthians 13 in the Church and how hard it is to be gracious and to be Christ when you're being stung at every turn.

He sees you, He's rescued you, and He is singing His love song over you.

Because all that pain? All that struggle and journey? All that uncertainty?

Yeah, He's already got that. He's already conquered the grave, and sin and death, and when you've conquered those, there's nothing left to conquer. He's given you eternal life and you can have a taste of it here and now if you just hand it all over to Him.

Rest, sister. Rest in His love and give it all to Him - He's already taken it anyway. He's got it taken care of; all you have to do is to let go. Let go and listen to that love song for you that your Mighty Warrior who saved you is singing right now.


  1. So glad you didn't stop at the five-minute mark! Excellent post. Needed by me this morning and I'm sure many others. Blessings as I stop over from five minute friday.

  2. I have often needed to sing this song over and over, "Quiet me with Your holy love, and rejoice over me with singing." Thanks for posting about this verse!

  3. Beautiful post. I had the kind of week where this was much needed. :) It is really so hard to fathom the love of our Lord. I am grateful for it and humbled by it. This is my first Five Minute Friday. I am glad I got the chance to enjoy your post. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. I'm glad you kept going too! I love that verse - thinking of our Mighty Warrior delighting in us, and rejoicing over us with singing... yes, that changes everything, because we can be sure He is with us always! Thank you for this encouragement today!

  5. I just don't get it. I don't know how you feel these things and feel sure of them.


    1. Honestly, it's a huge struggle sometimes. i have wrestled with doubt, especially lately.

      But a lot of it is faith and because if I didn't have this, i'd literally have nothing. And i probably would not be alive. scratch that, I most definitely would not be alive.

      It can feel like I'm groping through the dark sometimes, but I still search. Praying for you (if that's okay!)

      - sarah beth/LibertyBelle
