Monday, January 6, 2014

{Monday Morsels} Healthy Chocolate "milkshake"

Well, it's January.

Most of us are in detox mode from the holidays. Maybe you've set a goal to eat clean or healthy or maybe you're just all sugared out.

But if you're anything like me, your sweet tooth is demanding, even when your brain knows you don't need sugar.

Because I'm a sucker for chocolate and peanut butter, but I am also determined to be healthy, I have developed a delicious healthy chocolate peanut butter "milkshake" that hits the spot and is only sweetened with honey!

It's also a great after workout pick me up because it's packed with protein!


1 Avacado (makes it creamy!)
2 T honey
1 T cocoa powder
2 T peanut butter
1 c milk
1/2 t salt (optional) (I use it when I use natural, unsalted peanut butter)
3 ice cubes

Pour it in a blender and mix til smooth. Enjoy guilt free, my friends!

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